I can figuratively say I died when I found out I was pregnant.
I was pregnant, broke, and rejected. I was alive but dead; my zeal to live was gone. I was a zombie doing mundane daily activities just to keep my baby alive and healthy. I can say I started coming back to life when my baby was 4 months old.
It was all like a dream, even after I held him in my arms, it still didn’t seem real. I was so broken that I didn't know how to do simple things like apply makeup, drive, dress up, etc. I had to learn how to do these things again. Today, I can confidently state that I am whole and UNBROKEN through the mercy of God.
Life is challenging. There’s not one person who has a challenge-free life or has everything working for them. Even those people who you think have it all together. There is always that one (or more) challenge(s) that seems to just hang around for a bit. And when you finally overcome it, another challenge pops up and says, ‘Hi! I'm your new challenge. What are you gonna do?’
Things happen and just like the popular saying, they can either make or break you, so it’s up to you to decide what you want to be, broken by your challenges or unbroken.
So you are a single mother and you receive loads of judgment from people, or people are not supportive of you and you are also not helping yourself because of self-pity. It’s like your whole world has come crumbling down and there is nothing left to live for. Well, enough of the self-pity. It's time you decide to either keep being broken because of your situation or stand up and do something about it.
Just like the man at the pool of Bethesda who wallowed in self-pity for 38 years before Jesus came and asked him if he wanted to get well, if so then he should stand up, pick up his mat and walk (John 5:2-9).
Life is challenging. There’s not one person who has a challenge-free life or has everything working for them. Even those people who you think have it all together.
Well, it’s up to us to want a change for things to get better. As the year comes to an end, please make a decision not to keep living in the past but instead decide to be the best you can be for yourself, your child/children and God. Stand up and do all you can, with God's help, to be all He created you to be. Do not wait for anyone to come to save you from your situation, because Christ already saved you and no one can help you except yourself. God already played His part; it's time for you to take up your cross and follow Him.
Be determined to keep your eyes focused on the finished work of Christ in your life regardless of how this year may be ending for you. It is possible that none of your expectations from the beginning of this year was met by God. Or you feel you started 2023 better than you are ending it or maybe you didn't start this year as a single mom but now you are pregnant, and single or now alone with your child/children.
Remember dear sister, that our God is not limited by time and at His appointed time everything will fall into place. I pray that you will enjoy the season you are in, and find peace and rest in Christ. Amen.
This is our last post for the year, we will be resuming after the new year by God's grace. I wish you a beautiful and blessed Christmas and New Year celebrations.