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Resting in God's Provision


Woman wrapped by white textile standing by an ocean
Photo by Caique Nascimento on Unsplash

With the consistent rise in the cost of living and the unstable economy, the suffering of single homes/households has doubled. I have seen too many stories of the sufferings of single mothers online and offline.

For me, one thing I've learned is to keep my eyes above and trust in God's ability to take care of me and my family. I know it may sound cliche, but it's the truth and it has kept me in my seven to eight years of single motherhood.

At the start of my pregnancy, I was already jobless without savings or an idea of how I would care for myself and the baby. And like many stories of single mothers, my baby's father was not interested in us even though he was financially stable. At that time, he did not support us financially.

So there I was in a fix. I didn't know where to go or start. After being depressed for a while, I started looking for a job. But then which organization would want to employ a pregnant woman? Even though they don't state it clearly, they would rather not.

In the midst of everything, I had to totally trust God to make a way for me. When I was three months pregnant, I went for an interview. I got the job offer when I was five months pregnant, and I had to tell my new employers about the pregnancy and hope they wouldn't reject me. After I told them, they told me they had to think about it because the person previously in the position was also pregnant, and she left without giving them ample notice. They deliberated and decided to still hire me, to the glory of God.

It was indeed God's miraculous provision of a job that I needed, and I worked there for five years before I left.

The point I'm trying to make is that God always provides for us when we rest and trust in His provision. I'm not saying you should sit at home, do nothing and expect a miracle.

Here are some practical things to do as you wait:

1. Pray for direction and clarity of your purpose and season.

2. Trust and rest in His provision

3. Apply for the job, learn a skill, or start the business He has laid in your heart.

4. Do not have a closed mind on how He will provide. Most times, He doesn't provide in the ways you would expect. So do not be disappointed when the business doesn't work or is slow, or you didn't get the job. Keep at it, especially if that is what He wants you to do. "Wait for the Lord’s help. Be strong and brave, and wait for the Lord’s help" psalms 27:14

"It is a waste of time to get up early and stay up late, trying to make a living. The Lord provides for those he loves, even while they are sleeping. Psalms 127:2 ERV"

It is challenging not knowing where or how your need is going to be met. Trust me I know because I have been there too many times to count. But it's important to trust in His love for you. He knows all your needs before you ask Him and I promise you that as long as you need it, He will definitely provide for you.

You should remember that all you are going through is not for nothing. God is writing your story and turning every suffering into an unbelievably beautiful story that is for your good and His glory. Stay strong sister, God is working it all out.


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