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Taking the Hard Way

As humans, we want things easy. We want to easily get the challenge out of our way so we can be comfortable again. But several times, the hard way is usually better in the long run.

The decision to keep your baby is a hard one, especially if you are a believer. And there will be many times when some situations that look like the easy way out will be staring you in the face. And people around you may encourage you to take those steps and might think you are crazy if you don't.

For me, keeping my baby was very hard and I had thought of different things I could do to make it go away; I prayed to God for hours at a stretch not to bring shame to my mother. You know how it is usually the mother’s fault when a child does wrong or turns out wrong? I knew she would eventually be blamed and shamed for what I did.

I thought about committing suicide, but then, how do I kill myself without killing my baby? I couldn’t answer that because the fact is abortion was not an option for me because it wouldn’t be the first time I would be aborting and I knew I wouldn’t be able to live with myself or even forgive myself if I went ahead to abort. So the decision was made. I was keeping my baby.

What made it even harder was the fact that I didn't have the finances to care for a baby and I was also out of a job. I didn't know how I was going to survive with a child. I decided to trust God to make a way for me even though I didn't know how, and yes He did. I got a job while pregnant (story for another post).

While I was pregnant, two very easy way-out decisions popped up. My baby's father, after asking me to abort the pregnancy and calling me all sorts of unspeakable names when I refused, requested we get married for the child's sake 😱😱. Yep, he did.

I rejected his offer and a few people thought I was crazy, I would be respectfully married and my child would be in a two-parent home. I believed those were not good enough reasons for me to be married to him ( I will state my reasons in another post).

The other easy way-out option for me was some other guy who was asking me out way before I got pregnant who later found out I was pregnant and didn't mind, he still wanted me. It was so romantic when you think of it, but some things weren't right and I could not ignore them. So it didn't work out

I could have easily gotten married to my baby's father or the other guy but I knew that was not God's plan for me and many people could not understand the reason I didn't make any of those decisions. But several years later, I am glad I stuck with God which was the harder route but also the most fulfilling.

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